Headroom Studios
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New Single from (Sandy) Alex G

Every year since we’ve moved into our new space, Joe and I have a holiday party as a thank you to our friends clients and interns (if you’re reading this and you’re wondering why you weren’t invited, sorry! not personal just a lot of people to keep track of, please come next year!!!).  John Heywood, who plays bass with Alex G’s band, has been coming in to help at the studio and learn more about recording (he’s been helping a lot on the Thin Lips record!), and he brought his band to the party. Alex asked me if there was any time coming up in the next couple weeks after Christmas to record a single. DAMNIT! The calendar was totally full and whats more I had to get ready to record my own band’s record that I’d be preparing for for over a year. Fortunately, one of our staff engineers Mark Watter took one for the team and did several 11 pm to 8 am sessions with Alex to make it happen. I came in the first night to help them get the drums set up, and then Mark did the rest. They recorded each section separately and pieced it together. Alex used our C and C percussion kit and our 60’s japanese maple snare. To my ears, it seems like the majority of the drum sound is our AEA R44 at the front of the kit that I ran through our EL8 Distressor to get a soft roomy sound that still had some punch. The piano is our 100 year old Cunningham Piano (made in philly!!) that we bought at a thrift shop for 50 bucks. Its got a great creaky old sound. It was recorded with our tube powered Soyuz 011 small diaphragm condensor microphones (handmade in Russia!) For most of the guitar Alex played through a Roland Jazz chorus that was left here for a couple weeks by another band. Alex took the tracks home and mixed it himself, SOUNDS GREAT!